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Friday, 4 January 2013

“Om” symbol on Steven Sinofsky’s New blog

“Om” symbol on Steven Sinofsky’s New blog 

Steven Sinofsky was a former windows chief. Now he has penned a blog called Learning by Shipping. What’s interesting is that in his blog he has updated OM symbol. He wanted to keep the technology new and other products in this blog. He also explains why he has started new blog. Just to keep thoughts and product development growth.

He says “Office Hours was a blog that discussed the challenges and choices in creating and managing large scale products and services.  It was a candid view of what was going on in real-time and was read by many across teams inside of Microsoft.  There were hundreds of posts (roughly weekly), some of which can be found in various places on the internet, unintentionally, and some of which can be found, intentionally, in a book co-authored with Marco Iansiti at Harvard Business School.  The posts tried to take on the topics of building complex products used by many types of customers, by a team made up of diverse skills, in a company made up of a lot of people and a lot of other products.”
These are first post samples .

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