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Friday, 5 July 2013

Wordads from

When WordPress started everyone are excited to use this blog software and also when they started their own weblog which is free of cost was really stolen million of peoples heart.

Actually wordpress wont entertain google ads and other third party ads as well. Today when i was using wordpress i got to know that wordpress is started its own ads just like pay per click but its not based on click as per the views. How many visitors visit your site you get paid based on that. For more information you can login to wordpress terms and conditions check because they have more restriction they wont entertain seo based sites that attracts visitor. 

This one of the advantages for the bloggers who dont have Google adsence ads. So if you got any personal blogs and more visitors you can earn from this. If your new to blogging wanted to earn money then you should start your blogging platform from WordPress while blogging you can earn. Many thanks to WordPress for introducing this kind of facility. Word ads are still in beta stage then you can join them. Happy blogging

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