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Thursday, 4 July 2013

Thunder Clap By Firefox OS

Firefox has launched new Operating system where I have explained the same thing in my previous article. The same thing was supported by lakhs of people around the globe.
Firefox is one of the leading web giant seeking for the supporters for new Mobile Operating system. Here is the below link where you can also join them.
On the main page you can see the beautiful fox that got beautifully animated tail. When you click the below link mentioned on the web you will directed to above link. In this link you the written statement is

"Join me in celebrating #FirefoxOS, a new mobile operating system. Powered by the Web. Made by a non-profit. "

Time limit is given on the right side of the page you can see how many have supported them and also the time left to end the session. Moto of this is to get the firefox OS spread to the places where it has not reached. So if you have to join this and share visit the link and share.

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